No Immediate Threat to Marianas Assessed from Reported North Korea Launch


No Immediate Threat to Marianas Assessed from Reported North Korea Launch

 The Offices of Guam Homeland Security and Civil Defense (GHS/OCD), in conjunction with the Mariana Regional Fusion Center (MRFC), federal and military partners, continue to monitor events surrounding the region including reports of the recent launch of an unidentified projectile out of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) today. 
“No immediate threat was assessed for the Marianas from the reported launch,” said Acting Homeland Security Advisor, Joseph Cabana. “GHS/OCD, along with our local, military, and federal partners, will continue to monitor the events surrounding our region.”

For more information contact Public Information Officer, Jenna G. Blas at (671) 489-2540 or via email at


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